Orienteering in Riverhead Forest

Last updated: July 2024

Riverhead forest is a commercial production forest, with a 25– to 30–year cycle from tree planting to harvesting. As a result, the areas mapped for orienteering evolve with the cycle of forest growth; in Riverhead, only the more mature forest is suitable for off–track orienteering. 

Map Locations and Access Points

For orienteering events held in Riverhead forest, make sure to check (on the organising club’s website) which access road will be used to get to an event.

The map below indicates the locations of each map and access point (select the button in the top right–hand corner to view a larger version).

Forest Access

Formal organised orienteering events in Riverhead forest require a permit from the forest manager. However, casual recreation access by individuals to the areas of the forest with orienteering maps is generally possible over the weekends.

Be very aware of other forest users (these include motorbikes, mountain bikes, horse riders, dog walkers and vehicles). Access is not a right and the forest can be closed during weekends for a range of reasons (such as harvesting, fire danger, car rallies, and motorbike races). You are responsible for establishing if you are allowed to access the forest. Possession of an orienteering map from a previous event does not imply approval for future access.

All of the roads entering the forest have locked gates on the forest boundary.