Cameron Tier
Profiled August '18

Number of years orienteering?
10 years
How were you introduced to orienteering?
My brother got me into it when I was in intermediate but didn’t compete much till high school
Key orienteering achievements to date?
JWOC team 2014 and 2015, 2nd M21E Oceania sprint 2017, 2nd sprint and 3rd Long at Nationals 2018
Current orienteering project or goal?
Training towards WOC 2019 and 2020, developing my body to cope with high training loads and training consistency
Favourite map and why?
Hogsback, mapped by Nick Hann and one of NZ's best forest maps. I love native forest that is rough under foot and has mixed runnability. It’s so beautiful to run through and is also surrounded by other cool maps
Map you have yet to experience but aspire to orienteer on?
Lunsen, Sweden - Tremendous hype from Matt Ogden and a highly technical terrain
Orienteering hero?
Thierry Gueorgiou and Tommy Hayes
Day job?
Burger King and Mapping. Hopefully engineering in the future!
Other interests?
Currently delving into tattooing, psychology, and psilocybin as a treatment for mental illness and well-being improvement.
For more information on Cameron's orienteering, click here.
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