Mark Lawson
Profiled October 2018
Mark is a long time and very valued NW member - he is a stalwart volunteer at events - always putting his hand up to help out - often one of the first to arrive and one of the last to leave! As a coach, his patient approach and vast knowledge is always appreciated.
Number of years orienteering?
I started Orienteering when I was at secondary school in about 1977.

How were you introduced to orienteering?
There was an event on at a friend’s farm at Woodhill so I went along and was immediately hooked.
Key orienteering achievements to date?
Represented NZ at a World Cup round in Australia in 2000 and the World Champs in Finland in 2001, been on the podium a few times at Elite level domestically. Won Auckland M21E OY competition for 11 consecutive years. Coached NZ JWOC teams in Australia and Italy and survived!
Claim to fame?
At about 20km into the Colville Connection MTB endurance race the bolt holding the seat on my bike broke so I did what I thought any other mountain biker would do (this was my first MTB race) put the broken seat in my backpack, put the seat post down and ride the rest of the race (52km) standing. This was one of the hardest things I have ever done and could hardly walk the next day. (But I still beat Rob Garden to the finish hahahaha)
Current orienteering project or goal?
My current Orienteering project is to get fit again.
Favourite map and why?
It’s hard to pin down a favourite map, probably my favourite terrain type is big hilly terrain like Turkey Ridge, Kariotahi and Huriwai where you can charge the terrain.

Photo credit Nic Gorman: NZ relay champs 2008 third leg running in to finish for victory.
Event you are keen to experience?
The event I haven't been to but am keen to go to is the Arctic Midnight Sun event in Greenland.
Orienteering heroes?
Ross Brighouse is a superb orienteer and has had some great results in NZ and overseas and probably hasn't had the recognition he really deserves. Rob Jessop, another superb orienteer, also great friend, fierce rival, fountain of knowledge and all round good guy.
Day job?
Truck Mechanic.
Other interests?
My other all time consuming interest is Motorsport. I am a flag marshal for The Motorsport Club.
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