Tūāraki Northern Orienteering Championship 2022
North West Orienteering Club (NWOC) would like to welcome orienteers from the Northern Region, all other areas of New Zealand and now the world! Join us at the Tūāraki Northern Regional & Auckland Champs for Labour Weekend 2022.
NWOC is excited to present the Northern Regional champs, with three days of classic Woodhill Forest terrain. Mature plantation forest and sand dunes reveal intricate contour detail with predominantly fast runnable 'white' terrain. Orienteering paradise!
The maps include the northern reaches of the 2017 World Masters final Hedley Dunes map and the 2021 NZ Champs Karaka Swamp map. Much of the terrain has only been used once, and maps are being updated. This event is sanctioned by Orienteering New Zealand and incorporates three A level events.
Each day will be a multi-day distance length (slightly shorter than a "long"), with a chasing start on day three. The Championship place getters are based on the aggregate times over the 3 days.
The day 3 chasing start will be fastest first off with subsequent runners following based on their times behind the course winner after days 1 and 2. A chasing start makes for an exciting day of racing: the first runner over the finish line is the winner within each class for the three days of competition.
Event Information
Date |
Event |
Location |
First start times |
Saturday 22/10/2022 |
Multi day A-level event |
Woodhill Forest |
11.00 am |
Sunday 23/10/2022 |
Multi day A-level event |
Woodhill Forest |
10.30 am |
Monday 24/10/2022 |
Multi day A-level event |
Woodhill Forest |
10.30 am |
Bulletin for Tūāraki North Regional Champs - Version 18 October 2022
Version 2 ( dd 18 October) of the event bulletin can be found here
Start Lists
DAY 3 START LISTS (Monday 24 October)
Day 1
Competitor by Class : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_VpsARVXG4LegaFwLxNmQlXPjTphdzF0/view?usp=sharing
Competitor by Name: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NJG228zPxHfmtVCn2TSsr7C4aSf7PwsJ/view?usp=sharing
Competitor by Club: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fDasAOWBSF9MVVlvIaM-MMkm1wge_iYF/view?usp=sharing
Day 2
Competitor by Class: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PUOU0QDiM6Z93YgtT1yOXJJHp_214iDB/view?usp=sharing
Competitor by Name: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GSPmCJMtheyvh0u3fXuzylH_ojuK82Jk/view?usp=sharing
Competitor by Club:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V78t0hwSe-z2M3TRLj-aLzlDiB4Bm3zX/view?usp=sharing
Stop Press !! - Grassy Knoll Outdoors - orienteering gear
Grassy Knoll will have a small selection of gear available at the event For our full range we encourage you to order online at www.grassyknoll.co.nz and select the ‘pickup’ shipping option. Your order will then be available at the event to collect.
Travel to the events: Private transport is needed to reach the forest events on South Head. Allow 75 minutes driving time from central Auckland. All events are accessed from Rimmers Road off SH16 north of Waimauku.
Entries to Tūāraki NRC must be from persons affiliated to Orienteering NZ or an IOF member organisation, or who pay a one-event participation fee. Entries are welcome from all over New Zealand and beyond.
Competitors are divided into classes according to their gender and age: Class eligibility is determined by the competitor's age on 31 December 2022. Competitors aged 20 or younger are eligible to run in each class up to the end of the calendar year in which they reaach the given age. They are entitled to compete in older classes up to and including 21.
Competitors aged 21 or older are eligible to run in each class from the beginning of the calendar year in which they reach the designated age. They are entitled to compete in younger age classes down to and including 21.
Classes offered for Tūāraki NRC – Men and Women:
A-Classes: 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
AS-Classes: 21, 40
B-Classes: 12, 14, 16, 20, 21, 40
Elite Classes: 20, 21
Other: 10, Novice, Easy, Very Easy.
Shadowing by parents or anyone else is not permitted in any championship classes, including M/W10A. If shadowing or directly assisting young children is required, the children must be entered in the non-competitive M/W10N (Novice) class.
Estimated winning times per day:
Class |
Estimated winning time (minutes)/ Difficulty |
Class |
Estimated winning time (minutes)/ Difficulty |
M21E |
70 Red |
W21E |
60 Red |
M10,, M12B, |
30 (median) White |
W10A, W12B |
30 (median) White |
M12A, M14B |
30 (median) Yellow |
W12A, W14B |
30 (Median) Yellow |
M14A |
35 Orange |
W14A |
35 Orange |
M16A |
45 Red |
W16A |
45 Red |
M16B |
40 Orange |
W16B |
40 Orange |
M18A, M20A, |
50 Red |
W18A, W20A, |
50 Red |
M20B |
50 Orange |
W20B |
55 Orange |
M20E |
60 Red |
W20E |
55 Red |
M21A |
55 Red |
W21A |
50 Red |
M21AS |
45 Red |
W21AS |
40 Red |
M21B |
50 Orange |
W21B, W40B |
50 Orange |
M40A |
50 Red |
W40A |
50 Red |
M40AS |
45 Red |
W40AS |
40 Red |
M40B |
50 Orange |
W50A |
50 Red |
M50A |
50 Red |
W60A |
45 Red |
M60A, M70A |
45 Red |
W70A |
40 Red |
M80A |
30 Red |
W80A |
30 Red |
Open Easy |
30 Yellow |
Open Easy |
30 Yellow |
M/W10N, Open Very Easy |
30 White |
M/W10N, Open Very Easy |
30 White |
The closing date for entries is Wednesday 12 October 2022. We recommend getting entries in early.
Pre-entry is required. Entry is now closed.
The SPORTident (SI) punching system will be used for all events. Competitors may use their own SIAC cards if they own one, however only normal (non-Air) SI cards will be available for hire at time of entry.
Entry fees
Day 1 $40 per event for each adult
$25 per event for each junior
Day 2 $40 per event for each adult
$25 per event for each junior
Day 3 $40 per event for each adult
$25 per event for each junior
A discounted Adult rate is offered if entering all 3 days $35 per adult/ day - Total $105
Family maximum entry fees are based on 2 adults (parents) and 2 dependant children aged 20 years or under living at the same address. Single day $130. All 3 days $360.
These prices include the forest access levy and forest kaitiaki services.
Event Centres - Each race will have an Event Centre which will incorporate registration, toilets, first aid, the finish, O-Lynx results display and coffee van. There will be some tent space available for competitors, so participants are encouraged to bring their own tents, especially if the weather forecast promises rain.
Child care - Parents need to make their own child care arrangements.
Weather - The weather at this time of the year can vary, with temperatures between 8 and 22 degrees Celsius. New Zealand is a small landmass surrounded by ocean, and the weather is therefore quite variable and prone to rapid changes: it could be wet and cold, but please also be prepared with sunscreen and extra water if it turns out to be a lovely warm Auckland spring day.
Clothing - Full body cover is recommended to protect arms and legs from pampas grass cuts.
Dogs - Dogs must be under control at all times. No noisy, yappy dogs please.
All participants are expected to be fit and well enough to compete, and to comply with the New Zealand Government and ONZ Covid guidelines. Participants are required to carry their own medication if required, e.g. inhaler for asthmatics, sweets for diabetics, and epi-pen or adrenaline for those with severe allergies. It is the competitor’s responsibility to notify the Event Coordinator and Controller of any potentially serious personal health challenges.
Health & Safety - Covid-19 Policy
NWOC aims to deliver this event in a safe manner that meets all appropriate COVID-19 Protection Framework's Orange "Traffic Light" guidelines.
It should be noted that we do exist in an uncertain and sometimes rapidly evolving environment, and must respond accordingly. However, the safety of administrators, volunteers, competitors and supporters will always be our number one priority.
During these Covid-19 times, please operate within your own comfort zone, do not take unnecessary risks, and take personal responsibility for your own and others' safety.
Competitors should not be attending Tūāraki NRC:
- If they are unwell with a cough, fever or other Covid symptoms
- If they have been in close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 until they have completed the prescribed quarantine period of 7 days, even if they are completely symptom free;
- If they have undergone Covid-19 testing and until they have received negative test results and are symptom free;
- If they fit within the higher at-risk groups such as immunocompromised individuals, or they have been advised to stay at home be a health professional
Covid-19 Refund Policy
In the event that NWOC is forced to cancel the event due to Covid-19 restrictions, all competitors will receive a full refund of their entry fees, unless the postponement or cancellation decision is made less than 1 week before the date of the event - in which case 90% of your entry fee will be refunded.
Any decisions around cancellation or postponement will be communicated immediately via our website www.nwoc.org.nz and our Facebook page https://facebook.com/northwestorienteering as well as in an email to those who have provided their email address with their entry.
Event Rules - The event will be run under the latest version of the Orienteering New Zealand (ONZ) ‘Competition Rules for New Zealand Foot Orienteering Events’, currently the March 2021 version.
Maps - The maps include the northern reaches of the 2017 World Masters final Hedley Dunes map and the 2021 NZ Champs Karaka Swamp map. Much of the terrain has only been used once.
A .pdf of the existing map can be found here
Embargo notice,
The area of Woodhill Forest outlined on the map below is embargoed for all participants in the Tūāraki North Regional Champs. Moreover, the area is all private land and there is no access without the specific written permission of the landowners. The area covers:
The Hedley Dunes and Karaka Swamp maps (a) north of Hedley Road on the east side of Inland Road and (b) approximately 1 km north of Hedley Road on the west side of Inland Road
The Woodhill Forest portion of the Lake Kereta maps.

Contact Us.
Contact Name: North West Orienteering Club
Email: northwestorienteering@gmail.com
Club website: https://www.nwoc.org.nz/home