Heidi Stolberger
Profiled June 2018
Heidi is representing New Zealand at the World University Orienteering Championships in Finland in July. We wish her well for her time in Europe.
Number of years orienteering?
It has been about 15 years or so. The first course I remember doing was early 2003, a summer nav at Panmure Basin.

How were you introduced to orienteering?
My Grandfather, Bert. He dragged us around the country, often resulting in protest on my part.
Key orienteering achievements to date?
Being named in the WUOC team and reserve for the JWOC team.
Current orienteering project or goal?
To perform as well as I possibly can in the WUOC races, particularly in the sprint races.
Favourite map and why?
I have a few favourites but in NZ Hogsback in the South Island is definitely up there, it's in such a cool location and there are plenty of challenges that come along with it.
I also really liked the Kooyoora state park in Victoria, Australia. I love how beautiful and intricate it is and it is probably the most difficult map I've been on (even walking it as a model map with a group was difficult and proved how essential constant map contact is).
Map you have yet to experience but aspire to run on?
I have always wanted to go to Switzerland so any map over there would be pretty cool... also the French maps look really neat and would definitely provide some challenges.
Orienteering hero?
Again there are couple of stand out people. Firstly Matt, his drive and passion for the sport has always been an inspiration to me and I am very thankful for all the help and encouragement he has given me particularly over the last 6 months. My other inspiration was my late grandfather who amazed me with his eagerness to go out and get lost week after week even in to his 80's. He always tried to push us to our best and even though he's not here he still pushes me to be the best I can.
Day job?
Currently a geologist in the making at Auckland University.
Other interests?
Football, Highland dancing, Music and anything with food.
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