Katoa Po 2022 - Interclub Night Relay


Sat 12 Mar 2022 18:00 — Sun 13 Mar 2022 12:00

Event information

This event has passed.

For more information, please visit the Taupo Orienteering website

Saturday 12th March

  • at dusk start of 42nd Katoa Po Night Relay
  • 8:30pm start of 2nd Katoa Po Explorer Night Rogaine - a 3 hour night rogaine

Sunday 13th March

  • 9.00am start of Katoa Po Explorer Daylight Rogaine - a 90 minute rogaine
  • 9.30am start of 90 minute Rogaine

Entries via EnterO are now open: no payment needed for relay - NWOC will pay for clubmember participating. The EnterO website above will also accept entries just for the Sunday morning rogaine.


The Katoa Po explorer night team ( 2 or 4 person) rogaine caters for those adventure racer types who want to hone their night orienteering skills.

The website for entries for this event is  Event overview - Katoa Po Explorer 2022 - enterO