
May 2024 News

Published Mon 27 May 2024

President’s introduction

Kia ora all. It's very exciting to see some massive numbers of people at orienteering this year! Please welcome any newcomers by talking to them at events. It's common for newcommers to find the community hard to break into since many of us have already established friend groups within the sport. So put yourself out there and ask some newcomers how things went after their race. Let's get them excited to come back for more.

Newsletter Contents

  • Auckland Calendar of Events 
  • Next NWOC event; the last event in our Bivouac Outdoor Rogaine Series for 2024
  • Key events around New Zealand in 2024
    • Tūāraki-Northern Regional Championships - Labour Weekend
  • Schools Orienteering
    • AKSS Events
    • AIMS Games 2024
  • General Orienteering News
    • Junior Camp 2024
    • Southern Cross Challenge 2024
    • ANZ MTBO Challenge
    • Coaching Resources
  • Member News
    • Rogaine News
    • New Members

Auckland Calendar of Events 

All upcoming events in the wider Auckland area for 2024 are on our NWOC website here
New Zealand wide events are on Orienteering New Zealand’s website here

Over the next couple of months Auckland Club are offering a number of winter sprints and night street events - details here 

A bit further afield, Orienteering Waikato has their Rugged Rogaine events. The first two events in their 4 part series clashed with our own rogaine series but there are still two events to come.

  • Sunday 30 June at Te Miro, Waterworks Road, Cambridge
  • Sunday 21 July, Waimai Valley, Te Akau

More info here  Enter here  

Next North West Event is the last event in our Bivouac Outdoor Rogaine Series for 2024

The third and final event in our North West Bivouac Outdoor Rogaine Series is coming up on Sunday 9 June. 

  • Sunday 9 June - Grass Track Road, Muriwai end of Woodhill Forest

Event info will be posted on our North West website here

Entries are open now here 

We acknowledge the ongoing support of our series sponsor Bivouac Outdoor

Graze is a new sponsor for this year's rogaine series. We'll be giving away delicious Graze products, including some from their new Skinny Dipped Peanuts range, as spot prizes!

Vouchers for Volunteers

Do you want to get free entries to our events? We rely on the help of our members for all events hosted by North West. There's a variety of jobs to do; some pre-event activities that might involve admin work from home as well as on-the-day assistance with everything from running the sport ident technology that ensures we have results for events, to putting up and taking down tents, and control collection at the end of an event. All those who help are awarded a voucher for discounted or free entry to another NWOC-organised event. If you're happy to help please reply to this email. This is a great way of getting to know others in the Club. 

Key events around NZ in 2024

Tūāraki-Northern Regional Championships - Labour Weekend 2024

Counties Manukau will host this year's Tūāraki-Northern Regional Championships over Labour Weekend ie from Saturday 26 October to Monday 28 October. More details to come.

Schools Orienteering

Auckland Secondary School events coming up soon:

  • Wednesday 5 June - Eden Park Schools Sprint Race

  • Tuesday 18 June - AKSS Individual Champs. Organised by Auckland Orienteering Club and to be held on the Celebre map, (Rimmer Rd Forest Entrance, Woodhill Forest).  Event details here

AIMS Games to include Orienteering

Orienteering makes its debut at AIMS Games this year. AIMS Games is for Year 7 & 8 students and is the largest annual school sporting event in the Southern Hemisphere with more than 11,000 participants. 
The 2024 Event information booklet on the website is here.

The format for AIMS Games Orienteering is an individual Sprint on Tuesday, 10 Sept, and a 60min team (2-3) Rogaine on Wednesday, 11 Sept.  Details are here

Watch this cool video that Aims made for orienteering featuring some OBOP club members and friends. 

General Orienteering News

Junior Camp 2024

This year's Junior Camp (Years 9-13) is being hosted by Orienteering Taranaki and will be held in New Plymouth between Friday 13 and Wednesday 18 December. More details coming soon. 

Southern Cross Challenge 2024

Events at the upcoming Kings Birthday Carnival to be held in Nelson double as the selection races for athletes for the Southern Cross Challenge 2024 to be held as part of the Australian Championships Carnival being held in Armidale, New South Wales, Australia from 28 September to 6 October 2024. Details here 

All the best to our North West members seeking selection to the Southern Cross Teams. 

ANZ MTBO Challenge | Selection Notice

New Zealand has been invited to take on Australia in an ANZ challenge competition at the Australian MTBO champs, ACT 17-20 October 2024.  
Riders who wish to be selected for the New Zealand MTBO Team must notify the convenor of the selection panel before 31 May 2024. Read the full notice of selection here

Coaching Resources

For new club members (and existing) who want to build up their orienteering skills, the coaching material on the Orienteering NZ (ONZ) website is highly recommended. The resources cover map symbols, understanding the map and orienteering skills. See here 
Go to the "For participants" heading.
  • Beginner orienteers; focus on the sections "white" (very easy orienteering) and yellow (easy orienteering);
  • For people with previous orienteering experience; focus on "orange" (moderate).
  • "Experienced" orienteers wanting to refresh / extend their skills, look at the "red" (advanced) level.

Member News

North West Rogaine Series - Events 1 & 2

Our first two rogaines have been held and have been very popular events. More than 400 people competed in the first event at Stoneybrook and around 350 were at Barlow Road, Riverhead last Sunday.  A huge thanks to the team who make these events happen.

Reports of the first two events are here Event 1Event 2

The collage below is of some of our North West members in action at the first two rogaines. These are all photos taken by Steve Knowles from Sportzhub Steve gives of his time voluntarily to come along and take photos at the rogaines which add another dimension to the events - everyone seems to love seeing photos of themselves in action. Steve's albums have been shared on our North West Facebook page and on our website here Thank you Steve.

New Members

We have a significant number of new members this month - we extend a very warm welcome to you all and hope you will introduce yourselves to a Club member at an event soon. We are keen to get to know you. 

  • Jamie, Olivia, Timothy & Sarah Appleton,
  • Christopher & Michael Batley and Susan Fairgray,
  • Dylan & Paul Brunton,
  • Blair Corkery,
  • Huxley Dewe,
  • Lana Eade,
  • Alexander & Amelie Finn,
  • Camryn, Daveena, Emerson, Lacey & Lee Gornall,
  • Kumar, Neeli & Seanna Govender,
  • Hannah Jemmett,
  • Lis Jennings,
  • Heidi Jokela,
  • Nev Jordan, Cassie, Evan & Nayden Koon,
  • Jo McKenzie,
  • Graeme McLean,
  • David, Holly, James, Karin & Patrick Meaclem,
  • Mary-Anne Merriott,
  • Daniel, Joseph & Mike Porteous,
  • Claudia Reyland,
  • Oliver Simpson,
  • Emily, Laura & Nick Thompson,
  • Alex, Chris & Scott Tucker,
  • Jillian Walker,
  • Brendon Wyatt,
  • May Yeh
  • Mabel Zhang.

And welcome back to returning member Penny Brothers.