Kaye Griffiths
Profiled September 2017
Number of years of Orienteering?
7 years (I should really be better than I am!!)
How was I introduced?
Other than a few casual visits to the forest events when the children were young, our more serious involvement came via my eldest son Jordan who started when he was in Y10 – I quickly learned it was not much of a spectator sport so I may as well give it a go!
Key Achievements?
Progressing beyond Orange – I was on Orange for a long time so much so that I decided that was my final level. I told myself that if I ever came back in from an Orange course and thought “that was boring” then I would give Red a go – it finally happened – I actually think it was a particularly easy set of Orange courses that day but it served to move me off my self-imposed plateau! Oh yes, and making the A final (unbelievable!) in the World Masters Sprint!
Current Orienteering Goals?
To have more clean runs (and maybe get fitter to try and go a bit faster once I have got clean runs!). To enjoy the Australian Champs – a family trip!
Favourite Map?
Complex sprint maps e.g the Victoria University map (101 Flights of Steps) from W6 last year.
Orienteering Heroes?
Rob and Marquita – amazing orienteers and always keen to welcome newcomers and enthuse them in our sport.
Day Job?
Career Counsellor at Pinehurst School
Other Interests?
Tramping, skiing and other outdoor adventures, reading, spending time with family.

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