Liam Stolberger
Profiled December 2016
Number of years orienteering?
I've been running courses by myself for 8-9 years but prior to that I had been taken out on courses with my mum or my pops.

How was I introduced to orienteering?
Well my pops, Bert, discovered this sport and after going to events for some time thought that he would try and get the rest of his family to do it.
Key orienteering achievements?
3rd in the North Island Secondary Schools 2016 long, 3rd in both the Auckland Secondary Schools Champs Intermediate Grade events, as well as being selected to be part of the New Zealand Invitational Team to go to Australia this year and other various awards over the past years.
Current orienteering projects or goals?
Currently I am training to try and get into the New Zealand Secondary Schools team to go to Australia next year.

Favorite map?
My favorite map that I have run on is Cotswold Bluff, a map from my recent trip to Australia with the Invitational Team. This was a map that I may not have had the best race on but it still had very interesting and fun terrain to run on.
Map I have yet to experience but aspire to run on?
A map in New Zealand that I would most like to go to is Castle Hill down in the South Island
Orienteering hero?
I don't really have one hero as I look up to all the people who have had the chance to go overseas to represent New Zealand in JWOC and in any other event and I aspire to be like them one day.
Day job?
Currently I am a student at Avondale College.
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