Lisa Mead
Profiled Dec 2016
Number of years orienteering?
Lost count - around 35
How were you introduced to orienteering?
Geoff discovered orienteering and I followed suit. It combined our existing passions for running, tramping and navigating and being outdoors. Over the years Rob Garden and his infectious enthusiasm and talent for organizing orienteering events and also trips in NZ and overseas ( Scottish 6 Days in 1987 being the first for me) has kept the interest levels up.
Key orienteering achievements to date?
Three national Long distance titles to date including W35 when it was a very competitive grade featuring Jean Cory-Wright and Carey Nazzer (and a couple of middle distance). More notably Geoff and I have won a handful of 24 hour rogaine champs including the Mixed veterans world title in Canterbury in 2000 , the NZ mixed veterans and super-veterans 24 hour rogaine in 2014 and a few Kaweka Challenge and mountain marathon races.
Current orienteering project or goal?
To make the A finals in the Auckland World Masters Games in 2017
Not a project... but I love the informal competition between my good friend Pip Poole and I - we inspire each other to keep fit and aiming for podium places.

Favourite map and why?
I always enjoy competing in Woodhill Forest, but love the opportunity to discover new corners of New Zealand and overseas.
Orienteering hero?
Matt Ogden
Day job?
I took 2 1/2 years out of the workforce to travel overseas, tramping, cycling and volunteering for DOC. This year I am working in the travel industry.
Other interests?
Tramping, MTB and cycle touring, travel, reading.
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