Matt Ogden
Profiled December 2016
Number of years orienteering?
Must be 14 or so now.
Key orienteering achievements to date?
Junior World Orienteering Champion 2012, 26th World Orienteering Championships 2015.
Current orienteering project or goal?
To keep having fun orienteering and training. To help others with their own orienteering goals.

Favourite map and why?
Lunsen, Sweden. Go run there and you will see why.
Map you have yet to experience but aspire to orienteer on?
Le Caylar, France
Orienteering hero?
Albin Ridefelt
Day job?
Geotechnical Engineer at Tonkin + Taylor
Other interests?
Football, sleeping followed by a coffee, chilling.
For more information on Matt, click here.
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