Suzanne Stolberger
Profiled December 2016

Number of years orienteering?
About 12 years
How were you introduced to orienteering?
Dad invited us along on a couple of trips and entered me in some events. I am an ex cross country runner and learnt basic use of compass and map at Outward Bound so thought I could handle orienteering. After 12 years I am still learning and improving.
Key orienteering achievements to date?
One of my key achievements this year was my performance on the difficult courses at the Australian Champs. While I only placed halfway through the field I navigated quite well because I was forced to take things slowly and be more aware of my surroundings. (Last year I tried to run too fast and went off the map.) Going back a few years I won a Nationals in the W40AS grade but since changing to A grade courses I have found the competition much harder.
Current orienteering project or goal?
I have entered the World Masters and Oceania. My goal for the coming year is to try to focus on improving my orienteering skills and being less distracted by other people..
Favourite map and why?
I quite like Waioneke. It is a little different from the usual Woodhill but still familiar. I also enjoyed the Cascades map in Queensland which was very different from what I'm used to.
Day job?
Nothing interesting. I work in an office in the city.
Other interests?
I like to read. Also enjoy nature, walking in the park, fishing off the wharf, going camping. Have been too busy in the past few years to do much of this.
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